

  marko (原创文章久久自媒体)



  I am in favor that the Philippine Navies shoot these chinese in the middle of the sea and be feed to the sharks caught in their boats.







  Talks is for the officials,, people can do much better... boycott all Chinese products now! China is a clear bully and want to scare us... we can fight back by totally boycotting Chinese made products..






  The United States government has given over $102 million U.S. dollars in aid to the Philippine government in 2011. There are many Philippine politicians that own many condos, expensive cars, and personal real estate abroad. Its no wonder why Philippines lacks the money to buy the hardware to defend itself. The enemy of the state is within






  This no longer calls for diplomatic solution, China has this attitude of might makes right and it has been bulllying smaller countries like Vietnam, Philippines and Japan over disputed territories. It's good that the US continues to be an ally because China is always thinking twice the extent of its bullying. China should not forget how Japan was devastated after the US dropped bombs in their two cities to force them to surrender.






  So we withdraw the "Gregorio del Pilar" war ship and replaced it with a much smaller unarmed coast guard vessel. Who knows what will be next? Maybe the coast guard vessel will be replaced with many tiny bancas?


  因此我们撤回“德尔毕拉尔号” 战舰,而用一个更小的未武装的海岸护卫舰取而代之。谁知道接下来会发生什么呢?或许海岸护卫舰会被许多螃蟹船取代。


  Al Japney J. Loredo


  China's a shame. They don't adhere to what has been agreed upon the UNCLOS and to think they're one of the permanent members of the UN security council. This is just a mere bullying, because they're confident that we can't compete with their military capability.




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    美女嫁给63岁千亿上市公司老总 婚礼上说出一句话震翻全场近日,一位美女嫁给63岁千亿上市公司老总,新娘在婚礼上一句话震翻全场。新娘在婚礼上

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  3. 3 美女嫁给63岁千亿上市公司老总 婚礼上说出一句话震翻全场(图)

    美女嫁给63岁千亿上市公司老总 婚礼上说出一句话震翻全场近日,一位美女嫁给63岁千亿上市公司老总,新娘在婚礼上一句话震翻全场。新娘在婚礼上

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    小伙婚宴上豪饮1斤白酒险丧命 出现了严重的酒精中毒症状【慎防节日病!小伙婚宴上豪饮1斤白酒险丧命】近日,江苏淮安,28岁的王先生在同学婚宴

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  6. 6 小伙豪饮白酒险丧命(图)

    小伙婚宴上豪饮1斤白酒险丧命 出现了严重的酒精中毒症状【慎防节日病!小伙婚宴上豪饮1斤白酒险丧命】近日,江苏淮安,28岁的王先生在同学婚宴

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