
nice steps for super speed train.time is more valuable so it is urgently need for the country which the capacity to afford.



对于高速火车来说是不错的进步,毕竟时间更宝贵,所以(普通百姓)有能力负担票价对于这个国家来说相当急迫。 (原文来自www.jj00.com)


KG (CA) replies to engr. abdul gafur.
19 hrs ago (09:14 PM)
we too should think on the same lines. a super-speed railway technology from north-south and east-west. This could be a super success in our country if honestly built.




Rajeev (Singapore )
27 Dec, 2011 02:01 PM
Cheap Chinese Toy Trains …….. I request poor chinese citizen (olds , youngs , as well as the children) , Pls pls pls dont rely on this…..Its only that they want to test on you guys if the speed is good or whether the train is really capable…..




Patriot (Bengaluru)
27 Dec, 2011 01:44 PM
China blatantly copies everything from everywhere without any qualms about patents/copyrights/IPRs. It ‘reverse engineers’ everything from Russian and American fighters and German and Korean cars.




garcia (islampur) replies to Patriot
27 Dec, 2011 04:31 PM
Pakistan can make better trains than China and India




Bjshfei (Mars) replies to Patriot
27 Dec, 2011 03:03 PM
Why Indians don’t copy just like Chinese do? Don’t be jealous, OK? Remember: Compete with USA instead of China, India will become powerful.




loknath (Singapore) replies to Patriot
27 Dec, 2011 03:01 PM
Why dont u think China is very smart in this matter ? instead of jealousy u should support India to go this way too. It is simple Copy-Study-Improve then Innovate. Stupid Indian forget innovate, even copy cant !!!




4thaugust1932 (Tokyo)
27 Dec, 2011 01:09 PM
China prospered without India’s dummy democracy/caste system. Indians are brainwashed to believe that voting in elections = democracy and a solution to all their problems.




Mariyanthan (Banglore)
27 Dec, 2011 12:55 PM
China is becoming more and more powerful , since our polition is enjoying indian money and growth , india is not going to over take china , its irony in the side of india , one thing i can notify that since the population is more this population makes india more power than other country , in 1990 india was 80%of china now its only 25% of china so its very clear that china is more and more powerful , one thing i like to say is that what ever decision they take it takes months and years , were other country makes the decision in few days , if this things changes , may be inda can be more power ful …




  1. 1 富时中国A50指数期货涨1%

    5月16日,富时中国A50指数期货涨1%。文章转载自:界面新闻网 非本站原创

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