


  他是马克思主义的支持者,我认为他很多观点是基于马克思主义思想 (原文来自久久自媒体)




  Thank you for all translations. It gives a brief idea about how Chinese young generations think about the world, economy and Turkiye in particular. I sincerely respect them all. A special thanx to student friend who responded questions accoring to his/her point of view.

  I would like to send my kind regards to this friend 石墨. It is obvious that he is professional on his field. His answers are scientific, concrete and coherent. Despite the fact that I disagree some parts, it was surely the best comment that I read up until now.





  Dear Chinese Friends,

  I am so glad to share my answers about related questions. Firstly, I want you to know that these are only my personal comments. So far, I have read some very Professional comments about these questions. It is wonderful to see people producing knowledge for my questions.     While answering these questions i tried to be as objective as i can. I also tried to be careful in order not to make any catastrophe mistake.

  In my opinion, it has been a very sincere but an amateur work. Answers are all open to discussion. What i kindly demand from you is, please try to respect my opinions even though you do not like them. It would be excellent to have some constructive criticism. I will be looking forward for your messages.

  Kind Regards,






  1)     What should be done in order to overcome Global Terrorism? How can we define Terror?

  1) 应该做些什么来克服全球的恐怖主义?我们如何定义恐怖行为?

  In order to overcome Global Terrorism, we have to pay attention to consequences of Global Terror actions. Which interest group, or which country benefits from that terror action? What are economical and political results of that violence? Once we become aware of these facts, we can come closer to what is really happening behind closed doors of Capitalist system.

  Second step is to prevent or lets say overcome Global Terror. This can only be done by unity and determination of all nations and interest groups in the world. All political actors have to be willing to end Global Terror. “The evil” behind Global Terror should face with sanctions and it shall be deterred with international laws and military force. Shortly, global terrorist attacks shall face with global resistance.


  I would like to point out an important detail and that is the manipulation of Global Terror by hegemons in the world politics. Unfortunately, we observe that international institutions such as NATO or the UN are being used to serve for Capitalist interests of hegemons. Capitalist countries, particularly the USA, manipulates the meaning of Global Terror and mislead international community and American citizens to legitimize their invasions.


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