
thanks to Owebama, china will bypass us in space now.

They built one ship?They can build ships from here to Paris,because they pay their builders 30 ct an hour.They recently got a raise of 5 pennies,so now it's 35 ct

Whenever there is a successful story from China, there are China bashing comments from anti-China elements. This is the reason that I always look forward to see more China bashing comments.


You don't need a history degree to see what has happened in the past 67 years. While most of Europe and Asia lay in ruins in 1945, we emerged from WWII not only victorious with the world's most powerful military, we finally shook off the effects of the Great Depression and quickly became the world's most prosperous nation. But we squandered it, wasting trillions of dollars fighting the Cold War and needless conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq (twice), etc. We paid Haliburton, Inc. $1 trillion alone to supply our military invading and occupying Iraq under the pretense of searching or WMDs that never existed, while cutting taxes and failing to fund that war. We cannot even send toilet paper to the International Space Station aboard U.S. rockets.

Sending rockets and humans into space did not bankrupt this country. The military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned about in January 1961 ruined our economy. Deregulating Wall Street and the banks in the late-1990s will probably finish it off. Meanwhile, the Chinese government has been spending enormous amounts of money on improving their public education (especially in math, science and technology) while we are starving our schools of even basic funding, laying off teachers, and closing buildings. Our highways, bridges, sewers and power grid are crumbling.

When the Japanese attacked us 70 years ago, Americans immediately pulled together in a spirit of cooperation, self-sacrifice for the common good, and self-preservation. Today we seem to have become a nation of 360 million selfish "me-first" individuals, and corporations whose only loyalty is to profits and share holder dividends. Truth hurts sometimes, doesn't it?




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