
Soldiers in China's People's Liberation Army are training for a possible future conflict through the assistance of a video game featuring U. S. soldiers as the enemy.
Apache gunship. (CCTV photo) 阿帕奇武装直升机(CCTV图片)
A report by China's CCTV television shows PLA officers in front of screens that have M16-wielding soldiers and Apache gunships as potential targets.
Retired military veteran Bill Watkins sees something ominous in the PLA producing a game with American targets.
"In 1967, I predicted war with China in 50 years, as we slowly withdrew from the Western Pacific. I said we'd lose that war, leading to remilitarization of Japan, leading to nuclear war between China and Japan, wrecking both and allowing for the growth in 400 years or so the rise of the next world civilization, based on Indonesia."
He adds that he was severely criticized because of his prediction.
"Although the possibility of that war with China has become fixed in the public mind recently (I was called every name in the book when I first made that prediction), it has grown somewhat less likely in my mind," he told WND.
U.S. soldiers are targets in Chinese video training. (CCTV photo) 美国士兵是中国视频游戏训练的作战目标(CCTV图片)
The game raises the issues of tactics, strategy and military training. Military analyst Greg Vose reflects on his training and observes that the U. S. may be returning to realistic, non-politically correct training.
"On occasion we got away from silly politically correct fake countries and fought the North Koreans on our staff exercises and simulations. They were not trigger puller simulations, but then they didn't exist back then beyond expensive tank simulators," Vose said.
"If I remember correctly the old tank simulators, the SIMNET, used easily recognizable Soviet equipment. In short – I would expect them to use the U.S. as an OPFOR [opposition force]. Now that the NationalTrainingCenter at FortIrwin is going back to old school 'Force on Force' training I hope they start to incorporate Chinese tactics for the OPFOR as well," Vise also stated.
“如果我没记错的话,目前仍在使用的基于SIMNET的老式的坦克模拟作战系统曾被广泛用于易于识别的前苏联军备中。(译者注:SIMNET是Simulation Network的缩写,这是一个基于广域网的机动车及坦克模拟作战系统,诞生于上世纪80年代中期,用于军事演习训练。)简而言之,我希望他们可以把美国当成竞争对手。现在位于欧文堡的美国国家陆军训练中心正在走“对抗作战训练”的回头路,我希望他们可以同样把中国作为战术训练的竞争对手。”
Center for Strategic and International Studies defense analyst James Lewis says the video game may actually expose a division in the Chinese government.
"It's interesting because a couple of times now in China, what I've seen and actually heard from some PLA officers is that there might be a split between the PLA which is very nationalistic and sees the U. S. as an opponent and the civilian government which is interested in cooperation and finding ways to keep both economies growing," Lewis said.
"What I saw was the tension; the Chinese don't want to admit to it. If you ask them, on the record, they'll say there's no difference between the party and the PLA," Lewis explained.


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