


  Japan ..




  Living to 83 on average, the Japanese have long had one of the highest life expectancies. Okinawa, often called 'the land of immortals‘, has been a global centre for longevity research, as these southern Japanese islands have more than 400 centenarians. Much credit for this has been given to the local diet, which includes plentiful tofu and sweet potato, and a small amount of fish. Active social circles among older residents and a strong community also contribute to lower levels of stress and a strong sense of belonging.


  To reap these benefits, learning the language as an expat is critical, said Daniele Gatti, CEO of Velvet Media and long-time Japan resident. “Japan has an amazing quality of life if you can get past the language hurdle to better understand the mentality” – which is more different from Western culture than most visitors think, he added. “Expats willing to move here should think seriously about putting a major time allocation into learning the language. It's key to integrating deeper in the local society and living a full and meaningful life.”



  Spain 西班牙

  The Mediterranean diet, rich in heart-healthy olive oil, vegetables and wine, has long contributed to Spain's long-lived population (averaging 82.8)。 But Spain has another longevity secret up its sleeve: the siesta.


  ”People think all the Spaniards are doing la siesta when the shops are closed between 2:00 and 5:00, but it is simply how the working shift is organised,“ said Miquel ?ngel Diez i Besora from Barcelona and Gray Line tour guide. ”If you have a continuous shift and just a half an hour break for lunch, then you eat a quick takeaway. On the contrary, if you are forced to stop for two or three hours, then you go home or go to a restaurant where you can sit down, eat two courses and dessert, and have time enough to digest well, it's going to be healthier than a takeaway.“


  The density of Spanish cities also gets people moving more, since shops and restaurants all tend to be within walking distance of most people's residences.


  ”When I moved to Barcelona from Moscow, I noticed that people here favour walking or biking, even walking few blocks to take public transport instead of using their own vehicles,“ said Marina Manasyan, co-founder of Barcelona Eat Local Food Tours. ”You get your cells oxygenated and you reduce your carbon footprint.“


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