
khaolak707 posted on Jun 23, 2012 12:37 AM

China will surely do everything to take full control of the islands they claimed. The Philippine government should also tightened our grip on the islands that legally belongs to us. All the navy and air assets should be sent to Panatag and Spratlys to show our resolve that we are ready to defend the islands from any invader. The government should not hesitate to offer the Palawan base for the US naval vessels to station there. This is the only option that we have to counter the invaders.


Sitting Bull posted on Jun 23, 2012 12:51 AM
A country with billions of people like China will surely search for natural and other resources to sustain its existence. This is the main and only reason why it is exploring and expanding. But the danger of this venture would be that it is the fuse for war!


lightcrusaderjr posted on Jun 23, 2012 01:15 AM

China is not only distorting the truth, it is also distorting the meaning of words known to humankind. Calling shoals and islets as cities shows the extent of Chinese greed and lack of respect for what other people of the world know and understand. This barbarism has no place in the modern world. It is better for China to be isolated by the world, as it used to be. If it does not want to respect the community of nations, then it should be pushed back to isolation. Nations of the world should boycott Chinese made products. (自媒体


wreaker posted on Jun 23, 2012 01:28 AM

He he he! PNoy always late. This is what we get when we employee laggard public servant. They are foot dragging. Next time, China will put in place a giant oil rig in Panatag shoal.



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