
The people of Pakistan seem to be laboring under some delusions regarding China; the first being that it is a superpower on the level of the US and that the West is somehow dependent upon it. The second is that China is Pakistan’s best friend, ever ready to help us against India or the US. Maybe it’s because of China’s amazing growth in the last few years, or maybe Pakistanis just see China as the knight in shining armor who’ll free them from the clutches of the evil USA, but this type of thinking has distorted the world view of not only the common man, but also high profile politicians and even highly educated member of the society.

巴基斯坦人民在中国的迷惑下埋头苦干。一个原因是中国是一个和美国同等级的超级大国,而西方也在某种程度上依赖她。其二,中国是巴基斯坦最好的朋友,时刻准备好帮助巴基斯坦对付印度和美国。也许是因为中国近些年惊人的成长,也或许是巴基斯坦把中国当成能把他们从..的美国的控制中解放出来的穿着闪亮盔甲的骑士。但,这种观点扭曲了无论是普通人,还是高调的政治家,甚至是社会上受到高等教育的精英们的世界观。 (原创文章www.jj00.com)

Pseudo intellectuals often try to pass off as fact the claim that the West and especially the US is now economically dependent on China, which is untrue; in fact, it is the other way around. The Chinese economy is driven by exports of consumer goods (it is currently the biggest exporter in the world) and its biggest customer is the Eurozone, followed by the United States. To be fair, both the West and China are dependent to some extent on each other, but maybe dependence is too harsh a word, it would be better to say that they enjoy benefits which wouldn’t be possible without the other i.e. cheap merchandise for the West and a huge market for China.


Some people are fond of claiming that China “funds America” through loans and again this shows a poor understanding of economics. Out of a total US debt of around $15.7 Trillion, Chinese investors own just over $1 Trillion and that does not mean that the Chinese are “funding America” or that they indirectly control the US. It is true that if China decides to sell the US bonds, it will bring down the dollar, causing inflationary pressures on the US economy, but such a move will also harm Chinese exports. The long and short of the matter is that the economies of the US and China are so entwined that neither country can harm the other without harming itself.

一些人总喜欢说中国借钱给美国,是美国的债主。这也再次说明他们对经济缺乏理解,美国的总债务为15.7万亿美元,中国投资者拥有仅仅超过1万亿美元而靠这个说明“中国人是美国的债主”或者“中国人间接控制了美国”显然是不足够的。但如果中国打算抛售美国的债券,的确是会使美元贬值,给美国经济带来通货膨胀的压力。但这种行为也会损害中国的出口。无论是长期还是近期,美国和中国的经济是紧紧缠绕在一起的,无论是谁都无法在不伤害到自己的情况下损害对方。 (原文来自久久自媒体)

There seems to be a belief (or maybe it’s a hope?) that the Chinese will, one day, “take over” from the US, destroying their economy in the process. Indeed, one comes across many youngsters (and some older men too) using various profanities to describe what China will do to the US! After the Global Financial Meltdown in 2008, many believed that the Chinese wanted to “de-throne” the US Dollar, but four years down the line, the Dollar is still going strong. In fact, China is highly anxious to keep the Dollar stable because it holds trillions of dollars in reserve. In the same way, they are anxious that the US and Eurozone economies remain stable (and continue to grow) because the alternative would be a global recession that would take down China too. Therefore, it is naïve to think that the Chinese wish to somehow harm the Western economies.



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