
  5# warpedbored




  Only in china might you see a building knocked down with a wrecking ball and the debris hauled away by men with wheel barrows then the new modern high rise going up with bamboo scaffolding. (自媒体久久自媒体)






  6# knloregon


  Wow, sobering observation, Tsap...... RobertH is onto something here, though IMHO -- what makes China, China..


  And since we all have multiple images, let them flow ~ ! (one at a time!) Last century, late afternoon, from my BJ hotel high above the surrounding old tenements --- pigeon keepers are releasing their flocks---which fly and turn in unison----catching the late afternoon sun in their wings and reflecting it up to my window..






      7# knloregon


  Within the first two hours after I first set foot on the mainland, (Nanjing) driving from the old airport to downtown--- tearing down the old three story brick business fronts, and traditional houses ---- literally hundreds CAT backhoes and Japanese brands --- all working together, block after block---as if it were a matter of huge urgency, for several miles! -- huge clouds of dust made it all surreal and emaciated laborers hauling the long traditional hand carts with perhaps, 800 lbs of salvaged bricks. One such hod carrier got caught in the middle of the road, and couldn't overcome the inertia of the huge weight---and the bus driver laid on the horn! -- the glare between the two spoke volumes about class stratification. Several blocks further, to the west, highlighted in the illuminated dust---a dozen pre-teen kids on top of one of the half destroyed buildings --- with the backhoes, tearing down portions of the same buildings---all shrouded in dust! ---having a sword fight ! (from salvaged building materials) and one of them-----wearing a dunce cap!! Fedricho Fallini would have been proud!


  在我第一次踏上大陆(南京)的两个小时内,从老机场开往市中心的路上——正在拆除老式的三层砖房商铺和传统民居——有几百台CAT挖掘机和..品牌的机器——都在同时运作,一区接着一区——就像是有很紧迫的事,绵延了几英里!——巨大的尘埃云使它看起来那么的不真实,瘦弱的劳工们推着长长的传统手推车,上面有大概800磅的砖块。有一个这样的搬运工卡在了路中间,没法克服大重量的惯性——公交车司机狂打喇叭!——这两者充分表现出了阶级分层。西边再往后几个街区,在被照亮的尘土中——十几个少年在拆了一半建筑上——铲土机还在拆着这座建筑剩下的部分——他们全部被笼罩在灰尘中——在斗剑!(用建筑材料),其中一个——还戴着一顶高帽子!Fedricho Falini一定会十分骄傲的!(原文打错了,应该是Fedricho Fellini,一位意大利电影导演,擅长此种场景)


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